TV Junkie

About Me!

Name: Justin
School: Currently, none.
Age: 19

Narcissism meter!



Wan Wen

January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007

Designer: li0nheart
Code base: Ebullient*
Flash: ~thehermitdesign

Crunch! Munch! Reality Bites! Gah! / Sunday 27 May 2007

I think UNSWAsia, the short-lived dream of the Singapore government, was (past tense!) a bit too hasty in it's decision to pull out from the tertiary education landscape that is Singapore. The first semester didn't even end and it's shutting down! Talk about not trusting the business programmes that UNSW offers.

Anyway! The sudden exit stunned me and prompted the now looping record titled "Which University Do You Want To Go To? I Recommend..." by the parents.

It's a shoe-in for the worst-song-sung award.

Seriously. My defense of polite smiles and acknowledging nods is crumbling against this infernal music!


On another random note, my SATs are coming up next week and guess what! I didn't study for it.

Gah! Guess I know how I'll spend my Vesak day.




Of Finales and Endings... / Saturday 19 May 2007

I love Ugly Betty.

For those in the know, the first season just ended it's run in the USA and the ending was SO good.

It wasn't a traditional cliffhanger so that's GOOD. It still left me hanging for more though. Hmmm... Words fail me now, so when the episode FINALLY airs in the TV wasteland that is Singapore, you'll get what i mean.

Besides Betty, I think Christina's pretty cool too. I love her accent. Haha. I wanna be Scottish! Alternatively, I could study in Scotland. Just so that my uninspiring and dull accent can morph into something that sounds mysteriously charming.

Anyway, for the spoiler-phobic people out there I'll not say anything more.

So. There.

Okay. One last thing.

Ugly Betty = Nerd Nasty!

On another note! Ugly Betty's smile is worth US$10000000. Can you count the zeroes?




Of Confessions and Addictions... / Sunday 13 May 2007

I have a deep, dark confession to make.

I am fascinated by Chinese wuxia drama serials. Beneath this air of English superiority (HAH!) lies a dark desire to follow wuxia drama serials to the death.

Despite the rather predictable and garbled plot and the poor English translations of rather poetic lines, I still find myself drawn towards such shows. The plot usually revolves around a hero who is naturally gifted in the arts of wukong (AKA martial arts) learning a multitude of high-level skills and having love affairs right, left and centre. He defeats the evil villain threatening to invade his country and the story, rather predictably ends with him being the leader/chief of some martial arts sect.

However! I am still hopelessly addicted to this genre! Maybe it's because the actors and actresses do feats of acrobatic stunts (and still look cool! And! un-sweaty!) Or maybe it's because it's the one genre IN THE WORLD in which old geezers are pictured as the heroes! Other than the young and good-looking cast consisting of the hero and his bevy of beauties, the rest of the martial arts exponents are people with long, flowing white beards and questionable sanity.

Whatever it is, these shows are the ASIAN equivalent of cheesy western movies. And! As such, I should sniff at them with all the English pomp that i can/should muster. Come on! Some of the skills are translated in a manner that is incidentally humorous! I mean! Dog-beating skill? Somebody call the SPCA will you? Bah!

Anyway! Since we're on the topic of confessions... I have to say that i was rooting for Sanjaya during his stint at American Idol. American Idol is so hopelessly boring now. We need some Sanjaya to give it back it's sparkle! On a related topic, I think the media should stop taking pot shots at Sanjaya!

I'd like to see those media people sing their heart out.





Digestible Chemistry / Saturday 5 May 2007

Okay! Guess what? I baked my VERY FIRST cheesecake!!! And! I must say! It tastes pretty good. It looks pretty nice too. I would have taken a picture but, i already cut my cake into neat slices (and packed them into rather uninspiring and ill-befitting plastic containers).

Oh well. Next time then.

Anyway! Yay! I'm on my way to becoming a great pastry chef! =)

At least until the first hints of diarrhoea start manifesting physiologically. I'm 10 hours on... AND! I'm still going on strong! So yeah! I'm a great baker!

Either that or my antibodies are working overtime.


