TV Junkie

About Me!

Name: Justin
School: Currently, none.
Age: 19

Narcissism meter!



Wan Wen

January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007

Designer: li0nheart
Code base: Ebullient*
Flash: ~thehermitdesign

Fishy Business / Wednesday 28 March 2007

I think that i have the most decadent, lazy and FAT goldfishes in the world. They are so misshapen and aesthetically challenged that their very existence is almost vulgar.

My fishes need to go on some diet. They just have no control over food! Eat to live not live to eat!!! They float around aimlessly waiting for the gustatory salvation that arrives like clockwork. Hmmm... Why does this sound so strangely familiar?

Anyway! Expressions or one of those other slimming chains should use my fishes as their next spokesperson for the next slimming advert they do. It will probably be more inspiring than their current batch of models.

*Are you so fat that your fats cover your eyes? (cos' that's how fat my goldfishes are!) Fear no more! This revolutionary new drug will give you back your figure AND! Restore your vision! A 2 for 1 deal that

On a side note: Siblings are annoying. I wish there was some return policy for siblings. I wish I could ask for a refund.

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Hallyu craze reignited! / Saturday 17 March 2007

Back when I was still in school, when I was still mildly intelligent and could still string sentences that made grammatical sense, I was introduced to the hit Korean drama series - Da Chang Jin (or Dae Jang Geum) by a casual channel surfing on a lousy monday night (or was it tuesday?) AND! Lo and behold! I was addicted. There was something special about the show! Plus! There was this perverse and innate fascination to know whether the food prepared by Dae Jang Geum was actually made by herself! I swear. I kept staring intensely at all those scenes of her cutting the vegetables, washing the fruits, slicing the meat and etc... to see if the hands shown in the shot was fatter than her own hands.

*Yeap. Those hands in those shots were fatter.*

Anyway! Now. Given the depressing and utterly demoralising nature of my current work life (Given that this time last year was the time where i kicked back, relax and grew fat), I decided to once again embark on the barrel of laughs that is Korean drama series. So yeah. I'm once again hooked.

Pleasurably and delightfully hooked.

Probably more hooked than Captain Hook himself.

Lame joke, I know.

Hey! I told you i was getting dumber/stupid/slow. Take your pick. Better yet, you could provide other options in my tag board. I can't think of any more synonyms for "dumb".

I want my blog to be interactive! =)*




Random & Redecoration / Thursday 8 March 2007

In a sudden burst of randomness, no doubt sparked by my recent visit to IKEA, i feel like redecorating, redefining and reinventing my staid, spiritless and generally aesthetically confused room.

Items awaiting appointments with the rubbish bin:
  1. Ceiling-high pile of notes/ textbooks and used files and folders
  2. Decade-old shelves
  3. The MANY, MULTIPLE plastic boxes that line the corners of my room, housing the many, many, MANY unwanted relics of yesteryear.
  • I want a funky couch in the corner with an overhead lamp to act as my reading corner!
  • Cool bedding!
  • A tiny computer area with the wires all HIDDEN!!!
I'm thinking of a tropical paradise design! Minimalism! Retro!

Oh man. I'm conflicted.

Oh well. Guess I'll worry about this when i actually have the time to embark on this time consuming project.




Results! Relief! Respite! / Friday 2 March 2007

The release of the results brought welcome respite and relief from my roller-coaster ride of anxiety and apprehension! I swear! Prior to the main "event", i was in my "office" sweating bullets and tearing scrap paper into bits! I even embarked on a new bad habit... nail-biting.

Thankfully short-lived cos' i don't wanna look like those stumpy hobbits from The Lord Of The Rings.

Okay, maybe looking like Elijah Wood isn't so bad. In fact! It would be an improvement wouldn't it? Haha.

Anyway! Everything seems somehow smaller now that I've graduated from MJC. JC life, in hindsight, somehow seems more like a comfortable haze of "feel-good" feelings, for lack of a better word.

I sound as if I'm on drugs. The drug of reminiscence perhaps.

On a less thoughtful-and-deep note! MJC got a mentioned by CHANNEL NEWSASIA! I find the bit about us being one of the "relatively newer junior colleges" that did well a bit insulting and offensive! The insidious meaning of this being a thing of SURPRISE and AMAZEMENT makes MJC's achievement seem more like a fluke and a large blip on the radar of "THE UNEXPECTED".

Oh well. I guess all kind of press is good press.

Especially if you're one of the "
relatively newer junior colleges".


On to happier things! I got an A for Literature! Yes! The horrendous B4 i got for my O level Lit has been expunged from my record! Redemption!



*It seems that Channel Newsasia has amended the article to sound less... demeaning. Maybe someone from there reads my blog. Hah!*


