TV Junkie

About Me!

Name: Justin
School: Currently, none.
Age: 19

Narcissism meter!



Wan Wen

January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007

Designer: li0nheart
Code base: Ebullient*
Flash: ~thehermitdesign

Terror Vs. Horror / Monday 26 February 2007

The terror in waiting has just increased tenfold what with the recent announcement of the notification of the release of the A level results.

This terror will soon be replaced by the horror of ACTUALLY seeing the results. Okay. Maybe the experience will be a sublime one, an exquisite horror of seeing the (un)realisation of a dream.

Okay. That was mildly depressing. Scratch that. I must be POSITIVE! Positively depressing.


Anyway! In a weird twist of fate, i managed to get my hands on the soundtrack of Pan's Labyrinth today! Just 2 hours before wan wen got hers! She says that "gluttony" (She was having lunch that time) cost her the race.

I'm gonna do a LISA and say that "it's fate!"

*Cue weird hand action and vigorous hand movements*

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Celebrations / Sunday 25 February 2007

Okay. CNY has come and passed and in the mad rush of collecting the many ang-pows, i've neglected my blog.

Hey! It's free money (Hah! An oxymoron!) so what do you expect?

Anyway! Besides the usual visiting among the blood relations, i did something vastly different! I did some visiting with my (ex-)classmates. Okay, so maybe it wasn't that vastly different.

But! It was kinda interesting to see how the well-heeled live out their oh-so-envious lives. Backyards, swimming pools, the ability to keep otherwise and not-so-otherwise illegal pets... Jealousy aside, it was a fun-filled trip! Except for the tedious walking when we were trying to find Andy's place. His dubious claims of his house being closest to the MRT station coupled with the HIGHLY confusing and misleading bad directions which he sms-ed us kicked off this whole visiting spree to a generally sweaty start. Ok. That just applies to me.

I swear! My now ex-classmates must have been born with generally inactive sweat glands. Either that or I'm just generally a very sweaty person. I'll go with the "my now ex-classmates must have been born with generally inactive sweat glands" bit.

Just to make myself feel better. =)

*I'm going to get comments for this. I can just feel them coming*

Anyway! Pictures were taken. So! Here they are!

Ok. So it's only one pic. No choice! I look constipated in the rest! I'm narcissistic this way

Besides celebrating the festival of ang-pows, pineapple tarts and bak-kwa, there's another celebration going on! The celebration of the VOICE!

I'm taking about American Idol! The guys generally sucked this season except for Chris Sligh. The girls however, are AMAZING! Here's Jordin Sparks!

Jordin Sparks
Uploaded by starmometerdotcom

And! Here's Lakisha! Ahh... fond memories of Mandisa are now coming back to me.....

Lakisha Jones
Uploaded by beenn15

Aren't they Amazing? Oh man. If only I had such talent! I'll be rolling in the greens, reds, blues and the never-before-seen colours of those money notes that are in the THOUSANDS!

Anyway! To those who knew me way back when, you know i love FANTASIA BARRINO. So here's her doing her thing.

Uploaded by greateggs

Vocals = Superb!

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It's all a matter of taste / Saturday 17 February 2007

There's a certain cartoon out there in the world that is called "Avatar: The Last Airbender". Basically, it's an american production that is largely anime inspired. Now, anime purists will probably stick up their noses and sniff at such cartoons, decrying them as another one of those western creations that will fall into the visual wasteland that is POKEMON and DIGIMON. However! This cartoon is one such exception!

Infusing different chinese martial arts into the fighting styles of the different characters makes this show extremely interesting and refreshing! It made me want to take up tai chi.

If! It wasn't such an "old people" kind of sport.

Anyway! I just had to post this. So here's "this". Follow the directions and you'll be treated to a very cute clip of the characters in AVATAR.

And, when i say cute. I mean REALLY cute.

I don't use the word cute often so when i use it, i mean REALLY REALLY cute. Who knows? I just might get some of you guys to watch it.

It's all a matter of taste.



See! Cute.

Here's a very belated Valentine Day's shot.

Double the Cuteness.

*This feels weird. I said "cute" one too many times. I blame the buttery CNY cookies*





Outplay, Outwit, Outlast / Tuesday 13 February 2007

I've been procrastinating about catching "THE ARENA", that debate-styled Singaporean production. So, in order to elimiate this vice, i've strapped myself to the chair in front of the TV.


I must say! One's brain really works while watching the show. My grey matter tingles with the long forgotten feeling of intellectual and academic engagement. Anyway! This show is REALLY interesting. And, somewhat depressing. You have fifteen-year-olds quoting Marx, outlining Freud's psychoanalytical research (Not like that's hard to do since SEX was really all there is to his research) and throwing words like "elucidate" (A word that i only learnt in JC), "lacuna", "cognate" and etc. like how normal Singaporeans use their "las" and "lors".

Freaky. Freaky. Freaky.

I'm nineteen!!! I should be above and beyond their intellectual genius!

Bah. And i thought i was a wordsmith.

Unpleasant feelings and ugly emotions aside, it was kinda painful to watch today's episode cos' the opposition aka the KC girls (I think, not really sure which school they came from) were being trashed by HCI boys. Against wave after wave of language puppeteers, the opposition's almost barbaric grunting registered as mere noise in the background of a really good song.

However, with that said, i think both team were far from effective debators. At the end of the debate, the exact motion was hardly decipherable.

"something SEX something"

Seriously, that was what the debate was essentially about. "Something... Sex... Something". There was no clear repetition of the exact motion. They went on and on about Sex.

Hormonally-charged teenagers.




Comfort in Superstition. / Monday 5 February 2007

When i was at Kinokuniya getting my latest intellectual read, i chanced upon one of those books on fortune telling based on your chinese astrological sign. Needless to say, i flipped through the book. Okay. I did more than "flip".

Anyway! An interesting point to note! I found out that since i was born before CNY in 1988, I'm a rabbit. Not a plain rabbit, but, a FIRE rabbit. So, i'm actually Bugs Bunny on fire.

*squeak* Fear me and my fire breath! *squeak*

Fire appears and fizzles pathetically.

Putting aside the nostalgia of bugs bunny and friends, the first thing i flipped to was the page on school and education. In it, it said that i'm going to have a good month! So, in view of the many recent speculations of impending doom and demise ie. The 'A' Level Results, I hope that this little tidbit of fortune prediction was referring to that.

I had a fortune cookie during lunch with lin hui and mel.

It said to reward myself for the work well done.

2 in a row!!! My academic future must be very bright! Either that or this superstitious stuff is a bunch of hogwash.

Well, there's comfort in superstition.

At least until i actually get my results and disprove or prove superstition to be true.

Ok. That wasn't very comforting.

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Unlimited Wants + Limited Means / Sunday 4 February 2007

Sometime back, okay, way back, as in "J1" kind of back, Marlina read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and raved about the book.

So. Based on that newly recalled memory, i went and bought the book. It was one of those irrational buys that wan wen has been blogging about, only that mine is WAY cheaper. Haha. The edition that i bought was published under the umbrella of "Penguin Classics". And! Oh boy! The cover is COOL. It's minimalist white and absolute "nothing-ness". Just. Plain. White.

Picture this!

*I'm on the bus. Reading this book. A book with a picture-less cover. My activities inspire confusion among the english literary-neanderthals. An auntie goes: "Eh! Ah boy arh! What you reading ar?" I go: "Nothing." She squawks: "Nothing?" I go: "Nothing" and cue MEGAWATT smile.*

Doesn't this make you feel as if you're... you're... erudite? Learned? Intellectually empowered? Haha. ESTEEM Booster!

Anyway! The entire concept is kinda cool. Penguin Classics' tagline is "Books by the greats, Covers by you." So, in view of my lack of professional drawing skills, I'm sticking to white. Plain white. Has a James Bond kinda ring to it no?

Any artistic endeavour will probably result in a book cover that mirrors "The Picture of Dorian Gray". See! I can do puns! Haha.

Anyway! The cause of this purchase was this fleeting vision of a bookshelf filled with literary classics. This vision is probably never going to become reality and will probably go down the drain just as how the other fleeting vision of a bookshelf filled with anime DVDs/ VCDs went down the choked toilet bowl of flushed dreams. In fact! That failed dream was due to ANDY LOSING my $30+ worth of anime VCDs. The cheapo replacements that he gave me were just that, CHEAPO.

Oh man. I need money to fulfill my dreams. If not, I will have one very choked and overflowing toilet bowl of flushed dreams.

Gross analogy. I know.

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