TV Junkie

About Me!

Name: Justin
School: Currently, none.
Age: 19

Narcissism meter!



Wan Wen

January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007

Designer: li0nheart
Code base: Ebullient*
Flash: ~thehermitdesign

The week in summary / Wednesday 31 January 2007

Ok. So I've been busy (read: lazy) the past week and my blog is now experiencing the slow and inevitable death that most blogs with busy (read: really lazy) bloggers have. So! It's time to perform that much needed CPR on my blog.

It's ALIVE!!! (Cue the scene in Frankenstein whereby the monster awakes to a deranged scientist and with electricity flying all over)

Lame jokes aside, my past week has been a rather eventful one filled with countless activities (Yay! I'm popular!).

In a summary that would probably make my ex-GP teacher proud, here's my week summarised.

There. I'm done! On a side note, since Lulu has just entered into the horror and terror that is associated with all things green and brown. Here's a VERY belated shout-out to him to have fun during his "vacation" in that idyllic little island.

Anyway! In other news! HEROES, that acclaimed hit TV show in the US, is now showing on Starworld! With all the hoo-hah surrounding that show, it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be clueless about the show. So here's a picture to jar your memory.

I have a theory! The reason why HEROES is so popular is because of it's racially diverse cast. An almost foreign concept to American Television. The racial diversity here is probably a metaphor for the many diverse powers that the show presents. After all, isn't it ridiculous for all the white people to be the ones to have the cool powers/ save the world? It's a refreshing concept that universalises the characters' problems/ anxieties/ fears and troubles and makes it appealing to viewers in any part of the world. While there are clear stereotypes regarding race, it is refreshing and rather original to see such stereotypical ideals being smashed and knocked down. The Asian geek who yearns to be the "Hiro", the blond cheerleader who detests her "bimbo" friends, the Indian guy grappling with the idea of being filial and etc... These seemingly minor contradictions in their characters adds another layer/dimension to the characters and this makes for GOOD TV!


Go watch it!

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Off the beaten road... / Sunday 21 January 2007

Having tried the beer-battered fish fillet once at INDULGZ BISTRO, I was pulled back to the restaurant by the many other dishes that i have yet to try. (Click at the link and browse through the menu and you'll understand my craving!)


You have been warned.

So. For the 2-in-one birthday celebration (How cheapskate! Haha. Kidding.) of both mel and I, I recommended INDULGZ BISTRO (Trust me. The food is much better tasting than this disgustingly garish name. Bleah.)

I had the Char-Grilled Rib Eye Steak this time. The meat was tender and soft! Delectably chewy and the SAUCE! To die for.

Seriously. It's Heaven.

Anyway! After the main meal! It was present time! I received the COMPLETE Deathnote manga series! It's in chinese. But! That won't stop me from enjoying the comic! I'll probably have to read it with a chinese dictionary next to me. So weird. I'll actually be learning chinese from a medium that was initially in Japanese, a language that has it's roots in chinese, and subsequently translated to chinese. Ooh. My head hurts.

Desert! I think desert occupied us for one entire hour. I'm not sure. Time flies when you're "indulgzing" (Sorry. Couldn't help it!) in sinful cravings. Anyway! We had chocalate fondue. I swear. The experience of eating the chocalate fondue was Sublime. For those watching mel eat that is. All i can say is that she had a gastronomical fashion disaster. And! That should be a clue as to how .... errr... "neat" she looked when she was eating the fondue.

Fondue Disaster! Anyway. The fondue came with more marshmellows (is this how you spell it?) and fruits. We were too busy thinking with our mouths to use our brain. So yeah. This picture was probably taken after we all had some pieces of fruit and marshmellows. Still looks good ya?

After that! It was off to Pitstop cafe for some boardgames fun. We took 2 hours to find that cafe. In the rain! While searching for the cafe, we came across this really cool shop called "My Bloodtype Store" or something. Cool shop. Had me thinking that it was a gift store that had gifts for specific blood types. But! Well, I was wrong. It sold health supplements. And! I chance upon this highly disturbing piece of news. Being an A+, I'll do well if i switch to a vegetarian diet and avoid meat completely.

Impossible. What is eating without meat? What is life without meat?

I'll probably die young.

Here's a picture of that piece of disturbing advice.

Trivia time! Did you know that there are three boardgames cafe at the boat quay area? Anyway! We ended up spending 3 hours at the boardgame cafe! Addictive.

Really off the beaten road huh?

*UPDATE! I forgot to mention the gang that i went out with! So! The group consisted of the devil, sailormoon, alien bunny and the mexican killer. I have strange friends.*

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Dreams / Wednesday 17 January 2007

Idol Fever has gripped me! Thus, in my bid to satiate my craving for all things AMERICAN IDOL, I've decided to check out what all the fuss was about Jennifer Hudson (Ousted American Idol Contestant) winning the Golden Globe award for her performance in "Dreamgirls".

If her singing is anything to go by, she certainly deserves the award don't you think?

Soulful singing = WINNING FORMULA

Make me happy!

Anyway! The little clip i posted smacks of a 1960s version of Destiny's Child no? Beyonce, or the character that Beyonce was playing was, the unquestionable lead. The other two were rather forgettable. Kinda like whats-her-name and the whats-her-name-that-came-to-Singapore of Destiny's Child fame.

Keeping the song in mind, i went out for dinner with lulu and bunny. AND! While searching for the ever-elusive "Pan's Labyrinth" soundtrack. Guess what i saw.

The "Dreamgirls" soundtrack! Why is it that a movie that has yet to show in Singapore has it's soundtrack out in the music stores and that a movie that is currently showing has it's soundtrack conspicuously absent from the display racks of the said music stores?


To quell my dissatisfaction, I bought the "Dreamgirls" soundtrack. A great risk considering that i only heard one song from the entire album and! also had no idea/clue what the movie was about besides the fact that critics are calling it a good movie.

So yeah. I'm now a proud owner of an impulse buy.

But! judging from the preliminary hearing test that I'm doing now, the music is REALLY GOOD! So! Logic dictates that the movie would be good too!

Wanna go watch when it comes out?




The End / Tuesday 16 January 2007

I can't believe that i have blogged consecutively for 3 days straight! I must have blog-i-tis or something.

Anyway! In keeping with the title of my blog, I've decided to dedicate my entries to

1. Social Events (Maybe the occasional lament)
2. Great Television Programmes
3. Greater Television Programmes
4. And... The occasional great movie that happens to come along.

So. The ominous sounding title of this blog entry really alludes to the END of the current season of a great Reality Series - So You Think You Can Dance - Not another entry of death.

First off. I can't begin to describe how AMAZINGLY talented the contestants are! You have to watch it yourself! If a picture says a thousand words, what more does a video do?

So here's the top 4 dancing to Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back".



So You Think You Can Dance Season 2

Anyway! I've calculated my pay! I get paid approximately $359.20 per month. SO! Anybody who complains about low pay to me, will get NO SYMPATHY from me whatsoever. Okay. Maybe a little empathy. But sympathy?

You're delusional.

I recently blew some part of that amount off with the recent outing i had with fuad, diana, lisa, siu lun and lai li.

1. $6 on lunch
2. $6 on arcade games (I dare anyone who hasn't tried DAYTONA 4 to laugh!)
3. $8.50 on Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream (I was too tempted!)
4. $16.50 on the entry ticket to escape theme park
5. $20 on a newly topped up EZ Link card

So there. Almost 16% of my pay is gone! In a single day! I see financial troubles looming over the horizon.

Not good.

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Movie MANIA! and miscellaneous... / Sunday 14 January 2007

I can't hold it in anymore! I have to say this! "Pan's Labyrinth" rocks!!! Go watch it!!! A gothic fairytale that is terrifyingly haunting, beautifully fleshed out by AMAZING characterisation, horrifyingly gut-wrenching and captivating at the same time (SUBLIME!!!) and! the music score! My Gosh! Evocative! Beautiful!

I want this soundtrack to be played during my funeral. What a morbid thought huh?

Anyway, part of the charm lies in the fact the movie is entirely in Spanish, it makes the setting all the more foreign and alien to an eastern culture such as ours! Oh my. Dr. S would be so proud of me for recalling all this gothic stuff.

Check out the webbie and play the music!

Anyway! Thanks to the fact that i have a brother in MJC, I got a copy of the yearbook in advance!!! (probably, the only good thing that will ever come out of having a sibling being in the same school as you)

Here's a little preview! (Just the cover la!)

Anyway! The lack of photos of my class is HIGHLY DISAPPOINTING! Makes me kinda wish that we were more sporting, more active and generally more outstanding in MJC.

Wait a minute! We were! We dressed up for racial harmony day. Ok. So did most of the school. We... we... we... nothing comes to mind! Ok. So maybe we weren't very sporting, active and outstanding.

But! But! But!


Oh well. At least we have our class photo!

What a consolation.

Double Bleah.

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The First Entry / Saturday 13 January 2007

Ok! My first entry! Man! As you can see by the not-so-creative title of my newly established blog, i've already reached the stage whereby i get writer's block. What a way to start something new eh?

Anyway! I am here to blog. So yeah. I'll blog.

I went to ESCAPE today with fuad, lisa, diana and her two friends (edit: Siu Lun and Lai Li). The day was rather fun! Had a ball riding the many rides! However, as much as being in the air, getting jerked around and strapped to suspiciously looking safety-straps (for a lack of a better word) is fun and absolutely fantastic! I prefer Mother Earth. I swear. I've never has so much love for solid, safe, hard, dependable, un-vomit-inducing ground. Tried the "inversion-thingy contraption" and boy! Was that ever a regrettable decision or what! I got flipped around so many times, my specs almost slipped off the bridge of my nose.


I'm on the ride. Strapped to a chair with safety straps that i can easily remove. The ride starts out slow. I said to fuad who was beside me, "I think i'll sleep. Closing my eyes will make my already queasy stomach better, no?" I close my eyes. The ride picks up. I go "ARGGGGHHHHH!!!" and "ARRRRRRRGH!!!" and "AAAAAA...." and in these oh-so-embarrassing moments, my specs inched it's way down the bridge of my nose. To hang on for dear life? Or, to adjust my specs?

I adjusted my specs.

Good thing i did that! Cos' the next thing that happened flipped my world. Literally and metaphorically. Of course this option would have been a bad option if ESCAPE chose to go all
Final Destination 3 on me.

"ARGGGGGHHHH!!! *breaths* AAAAaaa...." Splat. DEATH.

*Cue the "death tone" that you so often hear in medical dramas*

My day certainly was fun today. =)

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